

As a company committed to people, we feel a responsibility to educate our employees on the realities of human trafficking, a horrific crime that is taking place along our nation’s roadways and within communities. Rubber-Inc. is proud to partner with TAT to offer specialized anti-human trafficking training to all employees within our organization. Thanks to everyday heroes like you in the transportation industry, thousands of calls have been made that resulted in hundreds of victims being recovered.

This free training focuses on the issue of human trafficking, signs to look for, and how to report it by simply making an anonymous phone call to alert the authorities of suspicious activity. It requires approximately an hour of your time to complete.

To begin the training, register below and you will be taken to your account. From there, click on ‘Courses’ in the menu along the top. You must select and complete ‘Over the Road Drivers’ and ‘Local Drivers’ training. Once you make your selection, a video will appear. Hover over the video for a play button to appear. Once finished, you will be prompted to take a short quiz.

The deadline for completion is May 31st, 2024. Please note: TAT will be sharing this list of individuals who have successfully completed the certificate course.


Please use your legal name. This is what will print on your certificate.

* Field is required for registration

A strong password is required with at least 8 characters. To make it stronger, use both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Please enter your Bennett ID to confirm your completion of the course.